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RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa
Published by Universitas Warmadewa
ISSN : 24069019     EISSN : 24430668     DOI : 10.22225
Core Subject : Education,
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 2406-9019 (Print ISSN), 2443-0668 (Electronic ISSN) is the Journal of Linguistics who published research articles and of theoretical articles in linguistic science which published by Linguistic Department, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa. The journal is published twice a year every April and October published by Warmadewa Press. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Morphology Syntax Phonology Semantic Pragmatic Language Typology Discourse Analysis Translation Comparative Linguistics History Linguistic Anthropology Linguistic Ecology Applied Linguistic Language Learning
Articles 14 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015" : 14 Documents clear
Kajian Modalitas Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik Pada Teks Debat Capres-Cawapres Pada Pilpres 2014-2019 Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pembelajaran Wacana Di Sekolah Adul Aziz Faradi
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.369 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


This study research is the text about  debate candidate of President and Vice President election of the Republic of Indonesia in the year of 2014-2019  by using the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics (LFS) which relevanced with text learning at school. This study deals with three functions of  languages. The are:   exposure, exchange and coupling experience, but on the vice presidential candidate debate is focused on the function of which is realized in the exchange rate system and the modalities of the value message in the context of ideology, culture, and situations that are at a frequency that dominates the text candidate debates in the year of 2014-2019 presidential and vice presidential election, and then a message describing the values behind the dominant frequency in the modalities that were realized in the context of ideology, cultural context and the context of the situation. Data was collected by the methods of formal and informal, with a note technique, consider doing the stage read the text carefully, analyzing the data in the form of the clause, and the classification of the data and the verification and validation of the data carefully and throughly, concluding the results of the research. Results of this study can be relevanced through discourse in school-related learning content and technical aspects and how to analyze the discourse of the text with LFS. Based on the analysis of text, fifth presidential and vice presidential debate in the Republic of Indonesia.  Presidential Election in the year of  2014-2019, found that in the text there are 1,150 clause consisting of 563 clauses for couples PS- HR and 587 clauses for couples JW -JK. From the number of the clauses contained modalities of 562 words with the details of the realization of modalities types of modulation (modulation) of 428 or 76.16%, while the type modalization  of 134 or 23.84%.  The result of the research on the text of the first debate using the whistleblower or the realization of modalities that the lowest at 77 or 13.71%. The second debate text using the revealer of modalities as much as 103 or 18.33%. The third debate text using the revealer of the most dominant modality that is equal to 149 or 26.51%. The fourth debate whistleblower text using modalities were 106 or 18.86% and the text of the fifth debate using whistleblower modality by 127 or 22.59%. The use of the realization of the most dominant modalities used in the fifth text of the debate is the realization of modalities categories * must, * Usuality * need, * should be included into the modalities of modulation types must * high, amounting to 218 or 38.79% compared with whistleblower or the realization of other modalities. Realization of modalities atleast  amount of occurrence is  more into the category of modality types modalities #medium frequency , # sometimes that includes modality type ^ low modalities frequency with each of 1 or 0.18%. From the analysis of the social context of language use in text-vice presidential candidate debate was found that both partners-vice presidential candidates both PS - HR and JW - JK uses modulation modality must be a* high level is the most dominant. This indicates that both partners-vice presidential candidates are using expressions filled with firmness values of leadership, high confidence value for the win, and religious values with intermediate modalities #Insya Allah and that aim to convince and attractive the sympathy of the audience in the presentation program -Program to be implemented. If they are elected. So, the message character values with high confidence and a spirit of optimism in reaching an expectation, the value of simplicity, democracy, courage and moral values have relevenasi about 85% with the discourse of learning in school tobe integrated based text or based on the  Curriculum of 2013.
Pemerolehan Morfem Afiks Bahasa Indonesia Anak Usia 2-6 Tahun Di Paud Buana Desa Banyu Urip Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Aris Akbar
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.845 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemerolehan morfem afiks yang mencakup prefiks, infiks, sufiks, simulfiks, dan konfiks dalam bahasa Indonesia di PAUD Buana Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan melibatkan 30 anak sebagai sampel. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis fenomena pemerolehan morfologi. Data dikumpulkan dengan, wawancara, observasi, pencatatan dokumen, dan tebak gambar. Berdasarkan analisis, temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa anak-anak di PAUD Buana hanya bisa mengucapkan kata-kata yang dibentuk dari bentuk dasar yang dilekatkan dengan prefiks {N-}, {b«r-}, {t«r-}. Infiks yang dilibatkan dalam membentuk kata turunan adalah {-«l-} dan {-«m-}, seperti dalam /telunjuk/ dan /gemetar/. Sufiks {-an} adalah sufiks yang paling dominan dipergunakan oleh anak-anak usia 2-6 tahun. Uniknya, sufiks {-i} telah menjadi {-in} dalam kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh mereka, seperti kata /ikatin/, //beliin/, /mandiin/, dan seterunya. Dalam penelitian ini, tidak ditemukan data yang memunculkan kata-kata yang berbentuk simulfiks dan konfiks.
Syntactical Marker {-Nya} In Indonesian I Nyoman Sedeng
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (975.936 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


This study discusses the syntactic marker {-nya} in Indonesian, and aims at finding the answers to the three research questions; (i) what hosts can be appended by {-nya},(ii)what syntactic functions can be filled by {-nya}, and (iii) what is the meaning of {-nya}contextually. The data to support the analysis was collected from the source with the help of a data collection tool [antconc3.2.1w window2007]. Two theories are relevant to the discussion of {-nya}, namely; morphosyntactic theory that searched the occurrence of {-nya} in a text and discourse theory to discover the meaning of {-nya} contextually.The result of analysis showed three occurrence of {-nya}; pronoun clitics, determiner, and as adverbial formation. As a core argument {-nya} can be attached to the nasal verbs, passive verbs, zero intransitive verbs, and category of nouns, prepositions, and reflexive pronouns. As adverbial formation {-nya} is attached to the adjective, bound root, and is combined with {se-} to form confix {se-baik-nya}. As pronoun, {-nya} can serve as; Grammatical Subjects and Objects, Possessive determiner, Oblique Agent, Reflexive pronoun. As determiner it is always attached to the noun, forming nouns from verbs, and as an adverbial it can serve as an adjunct, conjunct, and disjunct. The meaning of {-nya} with pronominal category should be traced in the text and always refers to the third person singular. Keywords: syntactic markers, pronouns, argument, adverbial, discourse
Prioritas Aspek-Aspek Tipologi Linguistik Pada Pemetaan Masalah-Masalah Kebahasaan Mirsa Umiyati
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.339 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Tulisan ini memberikan tinjauan teoretis mengenai kajian tipologi linguistik yang dibedakan dari kajian tipologi bahasa secara struktural yang selama ini lebih akrab di kalangan linguist. Fokus penjabaran teoretis dimaksud adalah penjabaran prinsip-prinsip kerja kajian tipologi linguistik sampai dengan jabaran aspek-aspek tipologi linguistik bahasa Lokal di Indonesia yang diprioritaskan untuk dikaji. Instrumen penjaringan data lapangan, proses identifikasi sampai pemetaan masalah pada aspek ini juga dijabarkan untuk memberi jawaban dari suatu pertanyaan, Bagaimana paradigm teori tipologi linguistik melihat bahasa sebagai objek dan bagaimana melakukan penelitian pada tipologi linguistik pada bahasa manusia untuk mencapai keuniversalan bahasa?.Jabaran pemetaan masalah ranah ini juga disertai dengan jabaran solusi dan strategi menjawab pemetaan masalah-masalahnya.Pada akhirnya, tulisan ini menyimpulkan suatu rumusan tentang kontribusi kajian tipologi linguistik dalam mendesain riset proses dan produk aspek kebahasaan terutama bahasa-bahasa lokal di Indonesia. Kata kunci: tipologi bahasa, tipologi linguistik, prinsip dan parameter keuniversalan.
Fitur Linguistik Dan Non-Linguistik Penggunaan Bahasa Sms Pada Siswa Smpn 4 Mataram Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di Sekolah Endang Sriningsih
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.249 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Isu sentral yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) bagaimanakah fitur linguistik dan non-linguistik yang digunakan siswa dalam berbahasa SMS? dan 2) Bagaimanakah implikasi fitur linguistik dan non-linguistik penggunaan bahasa SMS pada siswa kelas VIII 10 SMPN 4 Mataram tahun pelajaran 2014/ 2015 terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah? Data yang dipergunakan untuk menjawab tiga persoalan tersebut diperoleh dari para siswa berupa fitur linguistik dan non-linguistik penggunaan bahasa SMS. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara: memotret (Capture atau Screenshot) dari HP mereka, observasi, mencatat kejadian di lapangan, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Seluruh data yang ada diidentifikasi, dikodifikasi, diklasifikasi, dan dianalisis. Data dianalisis berdasarkan bentuk, fungsi, makna, kontak sosial, dan implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran di sekolah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa fitur bahasa SMS para siswa berupa pesan verbal, yang terdiri dari fonem, morfem, leksikon, frasa, dan kalimat dan pesan non-verbal berupa emoticon (tanda rasa).Kata kunci: fitur, linguistik, dan SMS
Analysis On Political Speech Of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: Common Sense Assumption And Ideology Sayit Abdul Karim
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.33 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


This paper presents an analysis on political speech of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), the former president of Indonesia at the Indonesian conference on “Moving towards sustainability: together we must create the future we want”. Ideologies are closely linked to power and language because using language is the commonest form of social behavior, and the form of social behavior where we rely most on ‘common-sense’ assumptions. The objectives of this study are to discuss the common sense assumption and ideology by means of language use in SBY’s political speech which is mainly grounded in Norman Fairclough’s theory of language and power in critical discourse analysis. There are two main problems of analysis, namely; first, what are the common sense assumption and ideology in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s political speech; and second, how do they relate to each other in the political discourse? The data used in this study was in the form of written text on “moving towards sustainability: together we must create the future we want”. A qualitative descriptive analysis was employed to analyze the common sense assumption and ideology in the written text of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s political speech which was delivered at Riocto entro Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro on June 20, 2012. One dimension of ‘common sense’ is the meaning of words. The results showed that the common sense assumption and ideology conveyed through SBY’s specific words or expressions can significantly explain how political discourse is constructed and affected by the SBY’s rule and position, life experience, and power relations. He used language as a powerful social tool to present his common sense assumption and ideology to convince his audiences and fellow citizens that the future of sustainability has been an important agenda for all people.  Keywords: Political speech, common sense, assumption, ideology, sustainability, growth.
Dinamika Pembentukan Kata Bahasa Indonesia I Wayan Simpen
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.462 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Bahasa Indonesia sebagai salah satu bahasa di dunia tidak mungkin mempertahankan kemurnian dan kemandiriannya. Bahkan, bahasa Indonesia tergolong bahasa yang tidak murni karena dari awal kelahirannya tidak ada bahasa Indonesia. Istilah Indonesia baru muncul belakangan. Tilikan terhadap dinamika pembentukan kata bahasa Indonesia bertolak dari dua sudut pandang. Pertama, sudut pandang internal, yaitu sudut pandang yang terfokus pada kaidah pembentukan kata yang ada dalam sistem bahasa Indonesia. Kedua, sudut pandang eksternal, yaitu sudut pandang  yang menekankan pembentukan kata dari pengaruh bahasa lain, baik asing maupun lokal. Proses pembentukan kata secara internal yang lazim terjadi dalam bahasa Indonesia mencakup: afiksasi, reduplikasi, pemajemukan, pemendekan, dan derivasi balik. Dari beberapa pembentukan kata ini, tidak semua dianalisis tetapi hanya dikhususkan pada pembentukan kata yang dinamis (mengalami pasang surut). Hasil pengkajian membuktikan bahwa pembentukan kata dalam bahasa Indonesia dewasa ini, senantiasa mengalami dinamika. Kecenderungan dinamika mengarah pada munculnya afiks asing atau afiks bahasa serumpun, penanggalan afiks, munculnya leksikal baru, dan menyusutnya pemakaian kata yang sebelumnya sangat tinggi. Di sisi lain, ada kecenderungan bahwa morfem unik berubah menjadi morfem bebas. Kata Kunci: Proses pembentukan kata
Strategy Of Translating Gadget Brochure Deny Kusuma
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.836 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


The title of this writing is strategy of translating gadget brochure. There were two problems discussed in this thesis, namely (1) terms found in the gadget manual book and its equivalence in Indonesia, (2) strategies applied in translating gadget brochure. Based on the analysis result, it was found that the terms and its equivalent words found in the gadget brochure were classified based on: 1) simple words or compound words and terminology forming phrase. 2) words category found are: noun and verb. The recommended pattern to determine the equivalent word was pure borrowing strategy, not  adaptation borrowing strategy. The adaptation borrowing in this context was related to the spellings, the pronunciation or sound adaptation in the TL rather than adaptation for the cultural substitutes that conceptually mismatches with the standardized terminology in the SL. In addition, the result of the analysis that there were seven strategies found in gadget brochure, they were translation by more general word (Superordinate), translation by a more neutral/expressive word, translation by cultural substitution, translation by using loan word or loan word plus explanation, translation by paraphrase using related word, translation by omission and translation by illustration. Keywords: Gadget brochure, Strategies of translation
Numeralia Dalam Bahasa Muna La Ode Sidu Marafat
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (607.164 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Bahasa Muna  (BM)  merupakan salah satu bahasa daerah di Sulawesi Tenggara. Bahasa daerah lain yang hidup di Sulawesi Tenggara di antaranya: (1) bahasa Tolaki, (2) Wolio, (3) bahasa Kulisusu, (4) bahasa Wakatobhi, (5) bahasa Moronene. Setiap bahasa ini memiliki keunikan. Keunikan BT mislnya, terjadi penyuaraan (voicing) di belakang nasal:  pmerintah à pamarenda, empat à omba, mongkaa à mongga, medangku à medanggu.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbasis Lingkungan: Perspektif Ekolinguistik Aron Meko Mbete
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): October 2015
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.022 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.


Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memberikan konsep pembelajaran bahasa berbasis lingkungan dalam perspektif Ekolinguistik. Perubahan lingkungan kebahasaan, tentu juga lingkungan sosial, kemanusiaan, dan kebudayaan, patut dikaji secara kritis. Demikian pula perkembangan budaya media khususnya, dan perubahan tata nilai kehidupan yang “sangat mendunia” ini perlu dicermati, disikapi, dan dievaluasi kembali secara lebih dalam. Kehidupan ini memang selalu berubah dan berkembang ke tingkat peradaban dan kebudayaan yang lebih tinggi. Akan tetapi, ke arah manakah hidup ini bergerak dan berubah, (secara khusus perubahan peran dan fungsi bahasa serta sikap para pemakainya), itulah sesungguhnya yang perlu direnungkan dan dievaluasi. Pembelajaran bahasa berbasis lingkungan diupayakan agar keanekabahasaan dan juga keberagaman bahasa yang merepresentasikan keanekaragaman hayati di lingkungan tertentu, dapat menjadi sumber penulisan dan upaya pelestarian bahasa-bahasa lokal, bahasa Indonesia, dan penguasaan bahasa asing. Melalui pembelajaran bahasa-bahasa yang berbasis lingkungan itu, peserta didik memulihkan kembali interaksi, interelasi, dan interdependensi dengan lingkungan hidup mereka, sekaligus mencegah gejala ketidakberakaran hidup mereka. Kata kunci: pembelajaran bahasa, perspektif ekolinguistik

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